Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Planning - Initial Ideas

Malevolent Phantom
Initial Ideas

We had to decide what genre we wanted our film opening so we could develop a theme, story line, characters and filming techniques. We had difficulty choosing a genre we wanted to expand on; it had to be within our budget and we’re able to execute effectively.

We shortened it down to three genres:

Zombie/Post Apocalyptic:
As some members of our group were fans of horror dramas and movies we came up with the idea a zombie outbreak. We liked the horror and gore theme for the opening sequence however after putting a lot of thought into it, it wasn’t a great idea. The problem was that it would’ve been hard to get the right costumes and props for the character. Also the setting needs to be chaotic as it’s an outbreak but we can’t damage or destroy the environment. We thought that this might be a good idea because it would create suspense and tension however it would be extremely hard to execute this genre.                     

Comedy: At first we decided to go with the comedy genre however we thought that our sense of humor would be different to a large audience, as we may not get the response we wanted. It would of also been time consuming especially as we needed to make it funny and script jokes that may entertain the audience. As the opening is only 2 minutes we wouldn’t of been able to include a lot of humor at the beginning. I think comedy isn’t a strong point in our group so we didn’t choose this genre.

Horror: As we all liked the idea of a horror genre because it’s not expensive however it needs a lot of planning to make the audience frightened and engaged during the first opening scene. The members in our group have seen horror films and have an idea of what codes and convention to include when we began planning. After thinking of the plot and the features that’s going to be included all agreed and chose this genre.

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