Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Horror: Target Audience

Horror Film Audience

Mostly the horror genre is targeted at both genders that are aged 15 and 25 but it depends on what the horror film contains and what the certificated age is of the certain film. However it appeals to a lot of teenagers because they enjoy the gore and being scared whilst watching the film, it also deliberately allows the audience to revisit the fears of their childhood. The audience may have a boring and an uneventful lifestyle, which may encourage them to watch horror film as it creates a exciting feeling so it helps them escape their daily lives.
I think that there will be more males than female who like horror movies because they’re not easily scared or grossed out by the themes. Horror films are seen as a typical date movie because it allows the male to protect the females who are easily scared.

This table shows that most viewers were teenagers or people in their 20-30’s who went to watch the Women in Black in the theatre, this could be as younger people need the intense stimulation and aren’t easily scared by the violence in horror films whilst older people often lack this. Majority of the audience were working class this could be because stereotypically the lower class tends to prefer being thrilled.

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